Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Best Source For Expo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Best Source For Expo - Essay Example It implies that China Kids Expo is the best source for kids’ expo not only in China, but also in the entire region. The last China Kids Expo was conducted at the Shanghai New international Expo center where many exhibitors came to show their wares. Perhaps China Kids Expo prefers the Shanghai New international Expo center because of the convenience and utility of the venue given the fact that the facility can contain thousands of people who come or the fun fair. China has one of the highest numbers of toy exporters and it is only proper that it gets the chance to display its products on a yearly basis so that the world can see the diversity and technology in Chinese products for kids. One of the most important aspects that have put China Kids Expo on the world fair map is its compliance and consistency with the international best practice, especially when it comes to kids products. In fact, the China Kids expo has ensured that the event is concurrent with the 13th International Conference for Trade fairs & Preschool Education Resources China Licensing Expo. China Kids Expo has provided all the information concerning its activities in both print and digital media so that everyone can get the info without necessarily having to go through unnecessary searches. China Kids Expo has an elaborate website where people can browse and look for any information pertaining to the kids’ trade fair. In essence, China Kids expo sponsors the website and has it regularly posts a number of contents ranging from fair news to the exhibitors profiles and products. For example, the website lists the dates, venue, and events that are to take place in Shanghai. In addition, the China Expo website is divided into the major sections that include the general information, information for visitors, and information for exhibitors. Other functions that exist within the website include slots for fair comments, application booths, online

Monday, October 28, 2019

Examine Conan Doyle Essay Example for Free

Examine Conan Doyle Essay Examine Conan Doyles The Speckled Band and Brian Moons Visitors. Discuss how far they are representatives of the detective genre and how far they reflect the attitudes to crime and punishment of the centuries in which they were written The Speckled Band and Visitors are two very different stories written in two different times. They were both written for different audiences, and thus the conventions of the genre have been interpreted in different ways over time. My essay will examine how far the stories conform to or diverge from the conventions and how far they relate to the crime situation of their time. The Speckled Band was written by the famous Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is a pre 20th century story involving an unusual plot. A murder has taken place at a stately home and a young lady called Miss Stoner approaches Holmes for an answer. A strange plot twist makes Holmes think about the situation in a different light, but as normal the case is solved as soon as possible. Visitors is a short story written by Brian Moon. It is a very short story compared to The Speckled Band but in this time, a lot is achieved. The story is somewhat back to front, with the robbers gentlemen, and the police louts. Burglary has been nationalised, and the Property Re-Allocation Technicians have visited the home of a young lady. There is no set story line, and the events occur at a rapid pace. The indication of a new genre of novels emerging was in 1842 when a short story, oddly called Who is the murderer? was released by Edgar Allen Poe. Poe highlighted and isolated the process in which the murder is unravelled the denouement. The conventions of the detective were first outlined in the book, and have been developed in further novels. The conventions of the novel are like rules. They are what the reader expects to be in the book, and when exercised, make the book more enjoyable. If conventions are employed, the book is easier to follow and understand, unlike Visitors. In Poes book the conventions of the detective genre are still sketchy, giving Poe a certain amount of Poetic License to mould them. A detective book should include the following. A crime, usually a murder or kidnapping, starts the novel, normally to grip the readers interest in the story. A detective is then introduced, who is a normally a loner, with a rich background. He normally does his work because he feels that the police force is incompetent and do not do their job properly. A confidant, who is not as bright as the detective is then introduced, he is more talented on the physical side of the investigation than the detective, often to the readers enjoyment. The investigation itself normally involves a red herring or plot twists to throw the detective off the track. Some of these are successful, and confuse the detective (and the reader) further. At the end of the story, the denouement is pronounced, and the solution to the story is revealed. The books are written in such a way, as to involve the reader and to make him/her think try to discover the answer themselves. The conventions are illustrated in both stories, but are interpreted by the author in different ways, and with different meanings or consequences. The stories illustrate the changes in the justice system in the time between their writing. In the era of Conan Doyles story, the police force in the country had just been formed, and was still learning how to deal with problems. In comparison to this, in the age of Brian Moons story, the police force has become near unnecessary. Burglary has become legalised to combat unemployment, so the government has found that the police are in a somewhat strange position. All they are required for is to take statements, and to verify a burglary has occurred. This means they can recruit people with no credentials. The Speckled Band has conformed to the conventions of the detective story with very little divergence. I. e. the writer has looked at the rules of the genre and tried to make sure his story sticks to all of them. At first, The Speckled Band looks to be diverging from the rules, when the crime is not a murder, but a mystery. No weapon is found, and the cause of death is unclear. This is the first of the plot twists that we find. We meet the detective, Holmes, at the start of the story, and find that he is indeed, highly intelligent. This is illustrated by some of Watsons observations of his actions. following Holmes in his professional investigations and admiring the rapid deductions, as swift as intuition and yet always found on a logical basis are comments at the beginning of the story. This piece is written as if it were Watson telling the story of Holmes professional triumphs. Watson is obviously in awe of Holmes and his brains, which leads on to the third convention, the detectives confidant. Watson is the assistant to Holmes, and in compliance with the genre, he is clever, but not a genius. He is a practical man, and assists Holmes in the more physical side of detective work. Have your pistol ready in case we should need it Holmes comments. We (the reader) are constantly finding Holmes explaining things to Watson, and in some cases, Holmes becomes exasperated by Watsons lack of understanding. You see it Watson? But I saw nothing The police in Holmes view, will fail at everything. He is annoyed that his job is sometimes referred to as having connections with the police. Fancy him having the insolence to confound me with the official detective force! After Roylotts departure from his office, Holmes illustrates his strength and annoyance at what he has done by bending the poker (previously bent by Roylott) back into its original shape. In other novels by Conan Doyle, Holmes is usually congratulated on solving the case before the police, by the police themselves! Holmes sees the police in a very demeaning light, and assumes any case he chooses to investigate, the police have already failed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dylan Thomas Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays

Dylan Thomas Dylan Thomas was born in Wales during the First World War. Raised in Swansea, "the smug darkness of a provincial town"(Treece 37), Thomas was educated as an Englishman. At the age of seventeen, Thomas left school and opted to forgo the university and became a writer immediately. He published his first book, 18 Poems, in 1934. His skill and artistic ability astounded critics. This "slim, black covered, gilt-lettered bardic bombshell"(Treece ix) put Thomas on the literary map. Unfortunately, this poetic genius succumbed to alcoholism at the age of thirty-nine. In his short lifetime, Thomas published some of the most disturbing and touching literature of the century. The poetry of Dylan Thomas is his way of expressing and confronting the good and evil aspects of the world that troubled him to the grave. In his youth, the poetry and folklore of his native Wales fascinated Thomas. He mimicked their styles and composed stories of his own. Although his father insisted that Thomas attend a university, he "adduced the example of Bernard Shaw"(Ellmann 510) and decided to pursue his dream of becoming a professional writer. He felt that continuing his education would only stand in the way of his dreams. Thomas’ first attempt at becoming a poet, 18 Poems, fulfilled this ambition. Packed "with enough poetic dynamite in it to shake young writers and critics for a decade"(Treece ix), 18 Poems supplies an excellent exhibition of Thomas’ struggle with reality. Its works are full of twisting and turning images that present the conflicts of the world. In "The Force That through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower," Thomas comments on the role of nature as both the creator and the assassin. As the creator, nature is "The force ... individual struggle from darkness towards some measure of light"(Treece 39). It is poetry full of graphic, detailed images of nature and the duality of the world. Thomas saw the world in terms of good and evil. This belief forced Thomas to "stride on two levels"(Treece ix). It was not possible for him to discuss the beauty of nature without discussing its ugliness as well. As a result of this view of reality and the world around him, Thomas’ poetry is "an unconducted tour of Bedlam"(Treece ix). Works Cited Ellmann, Richard and Robert O’Clair. Modern Poems. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1989. Emory, Clark. The World of Dylan Thomas. Coral Gables: University of Miami Press, 1962. Thomas, Dylan. Quite one Early Morning. New York: New Directions Publishers, 1960. Treece, Henry. Day Among the Fairies. Los Angeles: Norwood Publications, 1978.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Drunk Driving is Not a Serious Offense Essay example -- Reduce DUI Pen

Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) has become an issue of national concern, a both state and federal levels (2Githens and Sloan 403). Hearty fines, jail time and a revoking of the convict’s license follow most DUI offenses. DUI penalties need to be decreased and cause of conviction needs to be addressed, because people who are not criminals are going to jail, and enduring insurance fees even though these punishments have been shown to not decrease drinking and driving. Officers are given too much discretion to choose who get convicted, and who doesn’t, being convicted of a DUI can be life changing and should not be taken lightly. Most DUI offenses are detected as a result of direct observation of suspicious behavior, which is up to the discretion of the police officer observing the situation. In police initiated stops, the officer is the only witness to see the violation and is given great power in deciding to pull over the driver or not (Mastrofski, Ritti and Snipes 113-148). The police officer also decides if the law will be enforced or not. The main issue with this is that discrimination could occur very easily, because police can be persuaded by certain factors, including race and gender, to decide whether to arrest the driver or not. Police ethnographies suggest that the decision to arrest for common offenses is viewed by officers as part of there everyday work, whereas their superior officers tend to view an arrest as a â€Å"product†, which contributes to the departments identity, its effectiveness, and efficiency (Mastrofski, Ritti and Snipes 115). Differences in views suggest that the officer s out on the street are looking for people to pull over instead of looking for people that they can assist, as the... ..." Philosophy and Public Affairs 1st ser. 23 (1994): 52-73. Web. 2 Nov. 2013. Jones, James D. "Identifying and Prosecuting Persons for Driving under the Influence of Drugs." Public Health Reports 6th ser. 102 (1987): 627-29. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. Mastrofski, Stephen D., Richard R. Ritti, and Jeffrey B. Snipes. "Expectancy Theory and Police Productivity in DUI Enforcement." Law & Society Review 1st ser. 28 (1994): 113-48. Web. 9 Nov. 2013. Ross, Laurence H. "The Neutralization of Severe Penalties: Some Traffic Law Studies." Law & Society 3rd ser. 10 (1976): 403-13. Web. 4 Nov. 2013. Rubenzer, Steven J. "The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests: A Review of Scientific and Legal Issues." Law and Human Sloan, Frank A., and Penny B. Githens. "Drinking, Driving, and the Price of Automobile Insurance." The Journal of Risk and Insurance 61.1 (1994): 33-58. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Food Waste in the U.K.

Wasted Food We have a lot of problems in the world today and one of these problems is food waste. I will be going over facts and statistics of one of the leading countries that produces food waste; the United Kingdom. There is another problem out there that could reduce this problem and that is United Kingdom citizens that are malnourished and starving to death. What if one problem was another problems solution? The amount of food waste worldwide could end world hunger and save thousands of lives.It is easy to sit at home with a full belly and full fridge and not think of these kinds of problems. If every time people were going to throw away perfectly good food and saw a starving family or child they would easily give that family or child the food. The problem is we do not see these family and children every day. The average United Kingdom family is wasting nearly 60 euros a month by throwing away almost an entire meal a day (Smithies). This is 24 meals a month, adding up to 4. 2 mil lion tons of food and drink every year that could have been consumed (Smithies).The UK food industry is wasting an estimated cost of 5 billion euros per year (GOB). Reducing the volume of food wasted in food manufacturing, retailing and foddering operations means reducing the overall costs of these operations. Efficient, cost-effective companies are best positioned to deliver affordable products to consumers, grow, create Jobs and support their communities (FAR). England itself has a huge hunger problem that people are not aware of. In 2008, 3,161 patients were admitted to hospital in England which went up to more than 5,400 in 2012 (Hope).The number of people fed by food banks has gone up from 26,000 in 2008 to 347,000 in 2012 (Hope). England is considered to have a surplus of food supply and from the evidence shown in the first paragraph these next statistics go back to my point of solving a problem with a problem. 78 percent of malnourished children live in countries that have a surplus of food and there is enough food being produced in the world today to feed every person 2,720 calories each day. Hunger is the world's number 1 health risk it kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined (Food Security and Welfare Politics).Food Waste does not only effect people who are malnourished and hungry but it also hurting our environment. When food waste decomposes in a landfill, it generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas with 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide. Keeping food waste out of landfills will result in reduced methane emissions. Also, growing food requires many resources, including water and energy. Wasted food is a waste of the resources used to grow it (FAR). Eliminating food waste at the source is the preferred approach.But when food waste is generated, it can be recycled into impost or energy, which offer a number of environmental benefits. Compost improves soil health and structure, increases drought resistance , and reduces the need for other fertilizer. Also, food waste doesn't create methane in a compost system the way it does in a landfill. Food waste can also be turned into renewable energy through anaerobic digestion, where the methane emissions from broken down food are captured to produce biogas, heat and energy (FAR).The solution to this problem of food waste has already started and there are a lot of great organizations out there that everyone should be aware of. The Food Waste Reduction Alliance is an example of a great organization that more people need to be aware of. The Food Waste Reduction Alliance (FAR) is a collaborative effort of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the Food Marketing Institute, and the National Restaurant Association. The FARMS mission is to reduce the volume of food waste sent to landfill by addressing the root causes of waste, and securing pathways to donate or recycle unavoidable food waste (FAR).Large food producing companies in the United Kingdom have started to make progress Tests has agreed to reduce its multi-buy teems and other promotions after revealing that 35% of its bagged salad is being thrown out (Smithies). The United Kingdom is working with Waste and Resources Action Programmer's and businesses on voluntary agreements to reduce food and packaging waste as well as providing ideas and information to help waste less, through the WRAPS Love Food, Hate Waste campaign (GOB).Another great example of ways the United Kingdom government are reducing waste is the Courtyard Commitment a responsibility deal in the grocery retail sector which includes finding says to reducing household waste from groceries, and also the hospitality and food service voluntary agreement, which aims to cut food and associated packaging waste by 5 percent and increase the overall rate of food and packaging waste that is being recycled, sent to anaerobic digestion or composted to 70 percent by 2015.In conclusion food waste in the United Kingdom is Just a small portion of what is going on around the world. The United Kingdom itself is wasting enough food to feed Europe, imagine the statistics and facts of the rest of Europe and even the United States. This seems to be a problem that is so easy to solve that it's hard. There are a lot of great organizations out there doing the right thing and politicians who are trying to pass the laws to stop wood waste.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Offshoring Essays

Offshoring Essays Offshoring Essay Offshoring Essay International Business Offshoring Introduction Offshoring also known as offshore outsourcing, is defined by firm activities being geographically relocated from the firms domestic country to a lower-cost foreign country (WTO, 2013). Frequently, the operations are offshored from industrialized countries to less-developed countries in order to reduce labor expenses and to leverage the cost advantage. The aim of this report is to explore on the aspect of the offshoring and answer the question is it beneficial to the society. In the further part this report will evaluate on the aspect of reshoring as the process of companies eturning back to home country that is currently taking place. The aim will be to answer the question whether it is as a result of the correction to offshoring or a reaction to a change in circumstances and a rethinking of strategy by companies. Offshoring concept and potential benefits and drawbacks to the society The concept of the offshoring in the increasingly dynamic global market has been introduced as an answer to Multi National Enterprises (here and after MNE) how to stay competitive growing. In the era of globalization and economic turmoil, the idea f gaining competitive advantage has become as a priority. However, shifting production has raised the arguments against the exportation of the Jobs from the home country. This can cause higher unemployment and the exclusion particular jobs from the market. Table 1. 1 presents the percentage of lost Jobs due to offshoring. In some cases, such as Portugal, offshoring accounts for more than 50% (Figure 1) as a reason of lost Jobs (WTO, 2011). Figure 1: Total Job losses due to offshoring announced in the ERM, by country, in 2005. Daniels and Sullivan (2013) pointed that reason for MNE to move low-skilled Jobs to hird part country is to lower the price for their products and services. The price competitiveness determinates competitive advantage and growth of the company. As a result growing company can create new Jobs, higher-skilled and better paid. Recent trends, however, show that in order to stay competitive, MNE are ready to shift more Research of 2,700 US and European companies showed that 700,000 higher-skilled jobs were outsourced in 2009 and another 250,000 will be through 2014 (Daniels, Sullivan, 2013). As Roberts pointed out (2013), to stay balanced with the population rowth between 2002 and 2011 US economy needed around 14 million new Jobs. However, at the end of 2011 there were only 1 million more Jobs than in 2002. Within this period 3,5 million of middle class manufacturing Jobs were lost. 1,188,000 new waitresses and bartenders Jobs were created, lowly paid service Jobs that cannot be offshored. MNE seek for offshoring not only to gain production cost efficiency but also to reach other resources hardly or not available internally. Study of Oshri and Kotlarsky (2009) on strategic drivers and risks of offshoring (Figure 2), based on nterview with Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of 263 European leading companies unveiled the priority drivers for offshoring. In contrast to common belief, Clos and CFOs pointed that access to skills not available internally is more important (64%) that cost reduction factor (41 (Oshri and Kotlarsky, 2011). This can be observed in the example of India. Today Indias higher education institutions produce 4. million skilled workforces annually (Business Standard, 2013), many of them specialized in software engineering, computer chip design, and code writing. This of course affects employees from other well developed countries as Indians specialists and engineers are lower paid. Figure 2: Key drivers of offshoring, source: Oshri and Kotlarsky (2009) Another issue that needs to be considered is the requalification and ability to adapt to Job market by redundant workers. High unemployment causes increasing costs for the government, either to retrain or provide with the benefits for the unemployed. People provided with benefits might struggle to raise money for their children education. They, without sufficient funds to gain higher qualification, may feel excluded from the society. Such situation certainly can affect productivity of whole generation. Furthermore, it was rightly noted by Roberts (2013) that short term strategy of Americans companies to reach profits cause them not only losing their best employees but also the consumers who buy their products. Employees being unemployed or doing lower paid Jobs are less presence in the consumer market. They also provide fewer retirement savings for future investments. Reshoring concept and drivers for MNE Due to increasing costs of offshoring number of businesses are turning to new trend of reshoring, coming back with the production to home country. In the last decade wages in China has gone up by 10-20% a year, faster than the labor productivity. The Chinese government has set a target for annual increases in the minimum wage of 13% until 2015. Moreover, a stronger Chinese currency has made the costs even higher (The Economist, 2013). On the other hand, the costs in the US are falling. It has been caused by lowering wages in some states due to high unemployment and agreements between businesses and unions (The Economist, 2013). This along with the increasing productivity, falling energy prices and come back with their operations. Additionally, oil price (Figure 3) that has been increasing in the last few years. As a result, cost of transportation from China or India has risen significantly. Figure 3: Figure 1. US crude oil prices (based on average prices paid by US refiners for all grades of oil based on EIA data) converted to 2012$ using CPI-Urban data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Due to high costs, in 2012, 37% of American companies with annual sales above $1 billion were planning or actively considering moving production back to US. Further 48% of companies with sales above $10 billion came out as reshorers. Besides the increasing costs of offshoring, many companies faced the dilemma of dislocation of RD hubs from manufacturing sites. In many cases this causes negative effects. Many companies are reluctant to shift their innovation sites to other countries in order to not lose the valuable known-how and intellectual property. Some of the companies, looking for cost cut, moved production to other locations, most often closer to their borders. This new trend, called nearshoring, relates to the shifting the production and service activity to geographically closer locations. Figure 4 shows three clusters where the companies, called clients, located their facilities in distance- limited locations (Carmel, Abbott, 2007). Number of US companies shifted their operations to Mexico and South America. The average wage in Mexico is slightly higher than that in China. The costs of transporting products to US are far lower that from China, and the time of shipping from Mexico is counted in days, not weeks (The Economist, 2013). Figure 4: Global distribution of nearshore destinations and their division into three clusters. Conclusions and Recommendations As a conclusion, number of MNE from developed countries moved production sites and services to lower cost countries. This has been done in order to gain and keep competitive advantage over other competitors. However, over the past few years, businesses have faced increasing costs of operating in offshored countries. Despite that production costs in US might still be higher than in China, the gap has narrowed substantially, and it seems no longer to be a clinching reason for manufacturing in the emerging markets. Separate locations for innovation centers manufacture sites appeared to be a challenge for some companies as well. Problem their face is that host countries such as China, do not provide sufficient regulations to protect the intellectual property. Some firms are concerned about moving to China because of their fear to lose their technology and know-how. Some MNE decided to come back to home country, others relocated their sites to lower production cost countries closer to their borders. However, the aim of the nearshoring is the same as offshoring, cost efficiency, and is good alternative to many companies, not to the society in the home country. Offshoring is trend that will be playing important role ircumstances, the strategy of the MNE will change too. The countries perceived today as a source of low cost labor, have become more and more often seen as a consumer markets. China, after India most popular offshoring destination, is also 2nd the biggest economy in the world, with fast growing middle class and forecast to reach 630 million consumers by the 2022 (The Diplomat, 2013). Population of BRIC countries accounts for around 2. 6 billion, which is around 27% of world population and is still growing (worldometers, 2013). This means MNE will be still going offshore in order to gain their share in those markets. Producing and sending products from one place will not be rational in the few years. Globalisation and developing markets will force MNE to set up nearshoring instead of offshoring in order to be able to recognize and respond to local conditions quick. Increasing pressure for the local responsiveness will lead to multi-domestic strategy where MNE will have to deal with the consumer divergence and host-government policies (Daniels, Sullivan, 2013). The size of the reshoring will depend on the strength of the government and law-makers in the developing countries. Win the businesses over and make them come back to ome country will be one of the greatest challenges for the policy-makers in the coming years. References: Brakman, S. , Garretsen, H. et al. (2006), Nations and Firms in the Global Economy, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, Chapters 3, 4 5. Business Standard (2013), SWOT analysis I India as an offshoring destination, [Online] [Accessed on 26/10/2013] Available from: business- standard. com/article/economy-policy/swot-analysis-india-as-an-offshoring- destination-113070300226 1 . html Carmel, E. Abbott, P. (2007), Why Nearshore Means That Distance Matters, [Online] Accessed on 28/10/2013] Available from: http://auapps. merican. edu/†carmel/ papers/nearshore. pdf Daniels, J. , Radebaugh, L. , Sullivan, D. (2013), International Business. Environment and Operations, Essex, Pearson Education Limited, pp. 57-59, 467-468. G? ¶rg, H. , WTO (201 1), Globalization, offshoring and Jobs, Geneva, WTO Publications. K. pp. 146-185. Our Finite World, (2013), Ten Reasons Why High Oil Prices are a Problem, [Online] [Accessed on 27/10/2013] Available from: http://ourfiniteworld. c om/2013/01117/ten- reasons-why-high-oil-prices-are-a-problem/ Oshri, l. Kotlarsky, J. , Willcocks, L. 01 1), The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring, 2nd edition, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 15. Roberts, P. (2012), America R. I. P. : Death of the Middle Class, Offshoring of American Jobs, [Online] [Accessed on 25/10/2013] Available from: globalresearch. ca/america-r-i-p- death-of-the-middle-class-offshoring-of-american-Jobs/5308637 Roberts, P. (2013), The Offshore Outsourcing of American Jobs: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism, [Online] [Accessed on 25/10/2013] Available from: http:// www. globalresearch. ca/the-offshore-outsourcing-of-american-]obs-a-greater-threat- than-terrorism/18725 The Economist (2013), Coming home, [Online] [Accessed on 26/10/2013] Available from: economist. com/news/special-report/21569570-growing-number- american-companies-are-moving-their-manufacturing-back-united The Economist (2013), Here, there and everywhere, [Online] [Accessed on 26/10/2013] Available from: economist. com/news/special-report/21 569572-after- decades-sending-work-across-world-companies-are-rethinking-their-offshoring The Economist, (2013), The story so far, [Online] [Accessed on 26/10/2013] Available from: economist. om/news/special-report/21 569574-offshoring-has- rought-huge-economic-benefits-heavy-political-price-story-so The Diplomat, Barton, D. (2013) Half a Billion: Chinas Middle-Class Consumers, [Online] [Accessed on 30/10/2013] Available from: http://thediplomat. com/pacific- money/2013/05/30/half-a-billion-chinas-middle-class-consumers/ WorldoMeters, (2013), Current World Population, [Online] [Accessed on 1/11/2013] Available from: worldometers. info/world- population/ WTO (2013), Supply Chain Issues, [Online] [Accessed on 20/10/2013] Available from: wto. org/english/res_e/booksp_e/aid4tradesupplychain13_part2_e. pdf

Monday, October 21, 2019

The 30 Best Psychology Masters Programs and How to Pick

The 30 Best Psychology Master's Programs and How to Pick SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Regardless of whether youmajored in psychology as an undergrad or are just now realizing you havean invested interestin thefield, a psychology master’s program could be a great fit for you, especially if you're not sure about pursuing a doctorate. In this guide, we look at what kinds of psychology master’s programsare out thereand what the point of these programs is in terms of how they help you build a career. Moreover, we'll present you with a list of the best psychology master's programs forvariouskinds of psychology. What’s the Point of a Master’s in Psychology? What is the overall purpose of entering a psychology master’s program and earning an advanced degree in psychology? For one, many people choose to get a master’s degree in psychology to learn more about a specific subfield or type of psychology.Whereas a bachelor’s degree program in psych mostly provides you with a broad overview of the field, a master’sdegree programlets youconcentrate on the particular area of psychology that interests you most. The area you’re interested in will likely vary depending on what kind of job you’re hoping to getafter you earn your degree (and also whether you want tocontinueon to get a doctorate). Here are some examples of the types of psychology you could study in a graduate program: Clinical psychology Industrial-organizational psychology Child and adolescent development Counseling psychology Educational psychology Experimental psychology Developmental psychology Cognitive psychology Social psychology Health psychology Behavioral psychology General psychology Secondly, a master’s degree in psychology can be useful because many jobs in the field require or strongly prefer people with a master'sdegree.Inshort, a master's degree has the potential to advance your career. Most counseling and therapy jobs, for example, requirea master’s degree in psychology, therapy, counseling, social work, or a related field. Therefore, by getting a master’s degree, you’re not only deepening your knowledge of a particular area of psych but also expanding your job prospects. The chart below shows a variety of psychology-related jobs for master’s degree holders and what kinds of salaries and job growth rates you can expect for them. All jobs listed require at least a bachelor’s degree (typically in psychology), with somerequiring a master’s degree in psychology or a related field. For each job, we give you its 2018 median annual salary and employment growth rate for 2016-2016. Jobs are listed in order of highest salary to lowest. All data is from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS). According to the BLS, the current average employment growth rate is 7%, so any job with a percentage higher than this means that it’s growingfaster than average. Job Title Minimum Degree Required Median Salary (2018) Job Outlook (2016-2026) Social and Community Service Managers Bachelor’s or master’s degree $65,320 18% Market Research Analysts Bachelor’s or master’s degree $63,120 23% Human Resources Specialists Bachelor’s degree $60,880 7% Training and Development Specialists Bachelor’s degree $60,870 11% School and Career Counselors Master’s degree $56,310 13% Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists Bachelor’s degree $53,020 6% Marriage and Family Therapists Master’s degree $50,090 23% Social Workers Master’s degree (for clinical social work) $49,470 16% Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors Varies, but usually a master’s degree $44,630 23% Rehabilitation Counselors Master’s degree $35,630 13% In general, an advanced degree will increase your earning potential. Even for jobs that only require a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree could help you stand apart from other applicants and give you a better chance of nabbing a higher salary for that position. But what if you want to become an actual psychologist? Can You Become a Psychologist With Just a Master’s Degree? You might have noticed that the chart above doesn’t include the job "psychologist" in it. This isn’t a mistake- the reality is that in order to become a practicing psychologist, you will need toearn either a PhD in Psychology or a Doctor of Psychology (PsyD).In other words, a master’s degree, though impressive, simply won’t cut it if your dream is to work full-time as a licensed psychologist. I should clarify here that a psychologist differs from a therapist.Psychologists hold a doctorate and often work with psychiatrists to diagnose and treat disorders; they can also conduct research or offer therapy. By contrast, therapists can hold either a master's degree or doctorate and solely offer therapy services to support and guide patients. The word "therapist" is a broader term that encompasses not only psychologists who offer therapy services, but also counselors, life coaches, and social workers. According to the BLS, the majority of research, clinical, and counseling psychologists are required to have a doctoral degree. That said, a master’s degree could be sufficient for jobs as a school psychologist or an industrial-organizational psychologist. In addition to a PhD or PsyD, you’ll usually need to have a psychologist license. This applies to most jobs that include the title "psychologist." (Note that although therapists must be licensed as well, their license requirements differ from those required to become a psychologist.) To get licensed as a psychologist, you’ll typically need to have done the following: Earned aPhD in Psychology or a PsyD Passed the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology Completed an internship Accumulated one to two years of supervised professional experience Exact licensure requirements vary by state, so be sure to check with your own state’s policies and procedures to see what you must do to become a licensed psychologist. Though not typically required by states, certain jobs might require psychologists to obtain board certification in a particular area of psychology, too. Here are some examples of jobs you could get with a doctorate in psychology (ordered from highest median salary to lowest): Job Title Median Salary (2018) Job Outlook (2016-2026) Psychologists, All Other $100,770 14% (all psychologists) Industrial-Organizational Psychologists $97,260 Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychologists $76,990 Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary $76,710 15% (all postsecondary teachers) Best Psychology Master’s Programs: Notes on Rankings Before we take a look at our list of the best psychology master’s programs, it’s important that we are aware of the current state of these types of programs. Because a doctorate is required to become a psychologist- the overarchinggoal of many people studying psychology- there aren’t many terminal psychology master’s programs in the US. Indeed, most psychologists earn a master’s in psychology on the way to their doctorate (students normally get an MA/MS in Psychology along the way to the PhD or PsyD after a couple of years of study). This means that it can be somewhat difficult to find psychology master’s degree programs that are not part of doctoral programs. Therefore, we've looked mostly at master’s degree programs in fields related to psychology, such as social work, counseling, and therapy. These degrees range from a Master of Social Work (MSW), toan MA, to other specialized types of professional master’s degrees. For each category of master’s degree, we’ll be introducing to you our topfour to five choices (unranked),which we have determined based primarily on the following criteria: Prestige of both the program and overall school Ranking of the program by online lists and websites, such as US News Array of concentrations, classes, and online options offered Whether the program has an internship and/or practicum component Quality and reputation of faculty Now then, it’s time to look at our picks for the best psychology master’s programs! The Best Psychology Master’s Programs, by Category Since there aren’t that many terminal psychology master’s programs (programs that don’t require or expect you to continue on to get a doctoral degree), this list will mostly consist of programs that offer master’s degrees in fields strongly tied to psychology. Here are the seven categories we'll be looking at (feel free to click the link to jump straight to that category): Social Work Marriage and Family Therapy Mental Health Counseling School Counseling/Educational Psychology Rehabilitation Counseling Clinical Psychology Industrial-Organizational Psychology Social Work The field of social work is largely connected to psychology, especially counseling and therapy, in that it’s all about improving the lives of people and people within certain communities. Typically, social work master’s degree programs lead to a Master of Social Work (MSW). University of Michigan- Ann Arbor, MI Ranked #1 by US News and many other top social work programs lists, U-M’s MSW program offers many areas of specialization, including aging in families and society, children and youth in families, and community and social systems. Many students attend U-M’s MSW program to jump-start their careers as school social workers, juvenile justice workers, case managers, community organizers, or geriatric specialists. The school offers 550 fieldwork locations so students can gain real-life experience and training. U-M also has made available several scholarships, such as the Geriatric Scholarship Program and the Child Welfare Scholarship. Washington University in St. Louis- St. Louis, MO Another top-ranked social work program based at the Brown School, WUSTL’s MSWoffers the opportunity to performgroundbreaking research with renowned faculty to create sustainable impact. Nine concentrations are available, including mental health; American Indian and Alaska Native; children, youth, and families; health; and violence and injury prevention. WUSTL has connections with more than 500 organizations around the world for students to complete their practicum. University of Chicago- Chicago, IL If you'd prefera more flexible approach to social work, UChicago’s social work master’s degree program might be a good fit for you. Equivalent to an MSW, the MA in Social Service Administration provides students with a broaderfoundation that combines research, theory, practical experience, and policy development. Two concentrations are available: Clinical and Social Administration. In addition, students can take advantage of a handful of study abroad opportunities in India, China, and Hong Kong. Columbia University- New York, NY Home to the first social work school in the US, Columbia has ahighly ranked MSW program. This rigorous program combines theory and practice to help students become leading professionals in the field of social work. Four method concentrations are available across seven fields of practice, which are as follows: Aging/Gerontology Contemporary Social Issues Family, Youth, and Children’s Services Health, Mental Health, and Disabilities International Social Welfare and Services to Immigrants and Refugees School-Based and School-Linked Services World of Work Columbia’s MSW is also available entirely online (for specific fields of practice)- perfect for those who aren’t based in New York or who'd prefer the flexibility of an online program. University of California, Berkeley- Berkeley, CA Established in 1944, UC Berkeley’s Master of Social Welfare (MSW) program is known for producing top-quality social work professionals who are able to work in multiple practice areas and assume a variety of leadership roles. There are three specializations students canchoose from: Strengthening Children, Youth, and Families Strengthening Organizations and Communities Advancing Health and Wellbeing across the Adult Lifespan Although UC Berkeley doesn’t offer an online version of its MSW program, students have the option of earning their MSW degree concurrently with either a Master of Public Health or a Master of Public Policy. Marriage and Family Therapy These next master’s programs specialize in marriage and family therapy, and offer degrees and practical experiences so you canbecome a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT) in the state where you earn your degree. Note that although many of these programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), MFT programs are not required to have this accreditation. Northwestern University- Evanston, IL The MS in Marriage and Family Therapy program at Northwestern is a joint initiative between The Graduate School and the Family Institute at Northwestern- whichboasts an impressive 40-year history of researching and teaching marriage and family therapy. This COAMFTE-accredited program uses a 21st-century approach called Integrative Systemic Therapy. Students study topics such as intimate relations, treatment models, and methods of systems therapy; doan intensive clinical internship; and conduct at least 500 hours of therapy. Brigham Young University- Provo, UT Students can earn an MS in Marriage and Family Therapy in BYU's COAMFTE-accredited program, which aims to prepare students to pass the Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards. Theaim of the program is to help students develop theoretical, research, and clinical competence, as well as the ability to understand cultural diversity. Students have the option to pursue either a research track (mainly for those intending to go on to doctoral study) or a clinical track. The program is quite competitive, with a mere 20% acceptance rate. University of San Diego- San Diego, CA USDoffers a highly regarded MA in Marital and Family Therapy program that is accredited by both COAMFTE and the Board of Behavioral Sciences in California. This two-year program hasa unique "biopsychosocial, systems approach" that focuses on how relationships influence our day-to-day lives. Class topics include human diversity, couples and sex therapy, ethical and legal issues in family therapy, and family violence. Students enroll in apracticum for three semesters wherein they accumulate 500 hours of direct supervised contact with clientsby working for a community agency. Pepperdine University- Malibu, CA At Pepperdine, a top-50 research university, students can get anMA in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in marriage and family therapy. This program, which offers more than 130 clinical practicum sites, prepares students to become a licensed marriage and family therapist ora licensed professional clinical counselor in the state of California. Classes teach students abouthuman sexuality and intimacy, mental health systems, multicultural counseling, andpreparing for the practicum. Mental Health Counseling The following master’s programs in psychology focus on providing counseling services topeople with psychiatric disabilities and/or problems with substance abuse and addiction (as opposed to rehabilitation counseling or career counseling, for example). Many mental health counseling master’s programs are accredited by the Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC) and/or the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). New York University- New York, NY NYU, a consistently top-ranked private university, offers an MPCAC-accredited MA in Counseling for Mental Health and Wellness program. In this program, students must complete a 600-hour internship and a 100-hour practicum over a 12-week period. This program is available both on-campus and online,the latter of which letsyou choose from among three start dates (January, June, or September). The online version also gives students the chance to visit NYU for three to four days of networking and hands-on training. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill- Chapel Hill, NC UNC’s Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling master’s program is a unique, highly regarded program that combines two types of counseling and is also accredited by CACREP. This program specifically aims to prepare students to become Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) and Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) in North Carolina. Last year, 100% of students completed the program, and 100% passed the CRC exam on their first attempt. Students can choose to concentrate ondevelopmental disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, or both. Columbia University- New York, NY At the famed Columbia Teachers College, students can earn anMEd in Mental Health Counseling. Strengths of the program include its focus on cultural diversity and social justice, its commitment to experiential training, and its emphasis on providing students with adequate opportunities to conduct research. Many graduates of the program go on to work in educational and health settings such as schools, colleges, hospitals, and clinics. University of Wisconsin–Madison- Madison, WI UW Madison's highly rankedMS in Counseling programis available through the Department of Counseling Psychology. Mandatory core courses include Abnormal Behavior and Psychopathology, Social and Cultural Foundations,Counseling Theories, andCrisis and Trauma Counseling.Students must complete a year-long practicum and also have the option to do a master’s thesis. School Counseling/Educational Psychology These next counseling psychology master's programs are all about helping students in school settings. School counselors assist students with personal, social, and career development; they also offer guidance to students with academic problems. Most school counselors work in schools (primary and secondary), though some instead work at community centers or youth centers. Like the mental health counseling programs above, many school counseling programs have been accredited by CACREP. Vanderbilt University- Nashville, TN Ranked #3 by US News in educational psychology programs, Vanderbilt offers a fantastic school counseling master's program: theMEd in Human Development Counseling with an emphasis in School Counseling (the other emphasis available is Clinical Mental Health Counseling). Some of the program’s biggest benefits are its small classesand the option tocomplete the school counseling track entirely online. Both tracks are accredited by CACREP. What's more, 100% of school counseling students secured employment within six months of graduation in 2017. University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX One of the nation’smost renowned public universities, UT offers top-ranked MEd in Counselor Education and MA in School Psychology programs (the latter of which is geared toward those who ultimately plan to get a doctorate). Two tracks are available for the MEd program: School Counseling (counseling students in K-12), and Higher Education Counseling Student Affairs (which focuses on roles within colleges and universities). This program option emphasizes the importance of diversity training and lets students supplement their studies so they can eventually become an LPC. Meanwhile, the highlycompetitive MA program prepares you to become a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology in Texas. University of Maryland- College Park, MD UMD’s MEd in School Counseling is a high-quality psychology master’s program that is currently ranked #6 by US News on its list of the best educational psychology schools. Here, students learn how to work with diverse student populations, with special emphasis on the importance of social justice and inclusivity. Students must also complete a 100-hour practicum in addition to two 300-hour internships in urban public school systems. Courses cover research methods, school counseling, and special education, among other topics. Ohio State University- Columbus, OH Ranked #1 for school counseling programs and #11 for educational psych programs, OSU offers tworeputable psychology master’s programs: an MA in Educational Psychology and an MA in Counselor Education. In the former, students can studyalongside doctoral students and take advantage of the program’s partnership with the Learning Technologies program to learn more about the intersection between psychology and technology. The latter, which is CACREP-accredited,trains students to become professional counselors and to work at places such as public schools, community agencies, and health-care facilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Rehabilitation counseling is atype of counselingin whichyou work withpeople who have physical, emotional, mental, and/or developmental disabilities to help them achieveand maintain a self-sufficient lifestyle and career. Many of the following master’s programs in rehabilitation counseling are accredited by CACREP. Michigan State University- East Lansing, MI MSU'sMA in Rehabilitation Counseling program is currently ranked #1 by US News. In this CACREP-accredited program, students study disability management, ethical practices, and the social and psychological side of disabilities. Additionally, students must complete a practicum and internship. Evening classes are available to accommodate a range of schedules. Upon completion of this program, graduates may sit for the national CRC exam. University of Wisconsin–Madison- Madison, WI Tied for the #1 spot with MSUfor best rehabilitation counseling graduate programs, UW Madison offers a top-ranked MS in Rehabilitation Counseling program through the school’s Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education. In thisprogram, which has been accredited by CACREP,students learn how to improve the quality of life for people with psychiatric and physical disabilities, alcohol/substance abuse problems, and learning disabilities. Notably, UW Stout (another branch of the University of Wisconsin system) offers an online MS in Rehabilitation Counseling program that was ranked #4in the countryby US News. This part-time online master’s program lasts three years and is geared toward those with at least two years of related work experience. George Washington University- Washington, DC GW'sMA in Rehabilitation Counseling programisavailable both on-campus and online and is currently ranked #3 by US News on its list of best rehabilitation counseling programs. This CACREP-accredited program consists ofintensive courseworkas well as aninternship and practicum. One of the program’s unique traits is the breadth of counseling theories and practices it covers, from multicultural counseling to the medical aspects of disabilities. Furthermore, GW has a special mentorship program wherein current master's students are paired with graduates. University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa, AL UAoffers a renowned, CACREP-accreditedMA in Rehabilitation Counseling. In this whollyonline program,students get to watch live class lectures and take classes in career development, ethics, research methods, life-span development, and psychopathology. Additionally, both aninternship and practicum are required. Several scholarships are availablethrough UA's College of Continuing Studies. University of Massachusetts Boston- Boston, MA Through UMassOnline, the renowned distance-learning platformcreated by the UMass schools, including UMass Boston, students can earn an MS in Rehabilitation Counseling, which is ranked #15 by US News. This CACREP-accredited, 60-credit program begins in the summertime and uses the cohort model wherein all students take the same program of study.Although all the classes are delivered online, students are required to be on-campus for two weeks in July to complete two mandatory clinical coursesduring their first summer of study. Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology focuses on the science behind mental illness and disability. Although clinical psychology master’s programs are usually far harder to find than doctoral programs, there are some terminal ones available. Be aware that these master’s programs do not lead to licensure as a psychologist (though they could prepare you for licensure as a therapist or counselor), as you’ll generally need a doctorate to become a practicing clinical psychologist. Note: For a list of the best clinical psychology doctoral programs, check out this one by US News. Northwestern University- Evanston, IL Northwestern is known for its doctoral clinical psychology program, for which it’s currently ranked #16 by US News, but it also offers a famed terminal master’s program in clinical psychology. This program is designed mainly for those who aren’t decided about getting a doctorate in clinical psychology and who want to learn more about clinical psychology through an academic lens. As such, the program does not lead to licensurefor clinical practice as a psychologist. Classwork is mostly the same as that completed by the PhD students. Master’s students must also participate in a Research Lab Experience for at least 10 hours a week and finish a capstone project under the guidance of a research mentor. Columbia University- New York, NY Ivy League member Columbia offers an esteemedMA in Psychology in Education program, which is geared mostly toward students interested in clinical psychology and mental health occupations. Although the program doesn't prepare students to become a professionally licensed psychologist, it does serve those who wish to work in the field of mental health and psychology more broadly. Students in the program are mentored by clinical psychology PhD students and can choose from among nine concentrations: Research Methods Child and Family Spirituality and Mind/Body Practices Community Psychology and Integrated Health Services Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Global Mental Health and Trauma Sexuality, Women, and Gender Clinical Psychology and Technology Forensic Psychology University of Maryland- College Park, MD Ranked #31 by US News for its doctoral clinical psychology program, UMD also offers aMaster of Professional Studies (MPS) in Clinical Psychological Science. This program primarilytargets those who are interested in clinical psychology but aren’t sure where tobeginor don’t know whether a doctorate is the right path. The MPS emphasizes the study of empirical scientific research in clinical psychology. Classes, which can be taken in the evenings, include Basic Foundations of Clinical Interventions,Research Methods in Clinical Psychology, and Child Psychopathology. Boston University- Boston, MA Tied for the #31 spot on US News with UMD for its doctoral program in clinical psychology, BUhas an MA in Psychology program wherein you can specialize in clinical psychology specifically. This master's program is rigorous, lasting only one year, and offers courses on a multitude of topics, such as behavioral medicine, social oppression, child therapy, and social anxiety. Students have the opportunity to work directly with a faculty member on a Directed Study project as well. Industrial-Organizational Psychology Industrial-organizational psychology- also known as I/O psychology- is an applied discipline in the field of psychology that involves using psychological principles to improve workplace settings, encourage efficiency, and foster teamwork. While most I/O programs are doctoral ones, there's still a number of master's programs available around the country, mostly at state and tech schools. Note: For a list of the best I/O psychologydoctoral programs, check out the rankings by US News. New York University- New York, NY At NYU, students can enroll in the terminal MA in Industrial/Organizational Psychology program to learn about critical topics, such as work motivation, personnel selection, training in organizations, etc. Based in NYU’s eminent Department of Psychology, the I/O psych master’s program offers small class sizes and provides students witha foundation in research, practice, and theory so they can pursue jobs in client interaction and solution development for corporate environments. Students can choose from among six specializations: Management consulting Leading and managing change Executive coaching Conflict and negotiation Quality of work life Diversity and culture Middle Tennessee State University- Murfreesboro, TN Although MTSU isn’t as well known as some of the other collegeson this list, it’s home to the #1 I/O psych master’s program, as ranked in 2018 by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). This makes MTSUan excellent choice for I/O psychology students. This program emphasizes thereal-world application of skills and knowledge through a required internship. Students must also complete several applied projects with local businesses. Many graduates have gone on to work for large companies and corporations, including Walmart, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, and Target. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis- Indianapolis, IN IUPUI’s MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology program is well liked among students and a solid choice for I/O studies, especially if you’re more interested in the organizational aspect. Cohorts are small- around three students each year- ensuring that all master's students get tons of individualized attention and guidance. Students learn about the core content areas of I/O psychology and are required to write a thesis and conduct research with theassistance of faculty members. The program also offers theoption to take part in a summer internship. Several scholarshipsare available to MS students at IUPUI. Florida Institute of Technology- Melbourne, FL The MS in Industrial Organizational Psychology at Florida Tech is ranked #3 by SIOP and is famed for the strength of its faculty and mentoring. The program utilizes a team-based research approach in small-sized classes, allowing students to conduct critical research with faculty members and their peers. MS students also have the option to participate in a 300-hour practicum in order to gain real-world experience. Moreover, the program offers aconcentration in international I/O psychology for students who hope to work in international business settings. Recap: The Best Psychology Master’s Programs When it comes to psychology master’s programs, at a first glance, it might not seem that there are that many programs available to those not seeking a doctorate. But the truth is that there are a ton of quality, prestigious psychology master’s programs out there- you just have to know what type of psychology youwantto study and what kind of career you’re hoping to get out of your degree. Althoughyou can’t become a licensed, practicing psychologist with just a master’s degree, you can enter related fields and work as a licensed counselor, therapist, or social worker. To recap, here are the best psychology master’s programs for each category above: Social Work University of Michigan WUSTL UChicago Columbia UC Berkeley Marriage and Family Therapy Northwestern BYU University of San Diego Pepperdine Mental Health Counseling NYU UNC Chapel Hill Columbia UW Madison School Counseling/Educational Psychology Vanderbilt UT Austin UMD Ohio State Rehabilitation Counseling MSU UW Madison GWU University of Alabama UMass Boston Clinical Psychology Northwestern Columbia UMD Boston U Industrial-Organizational Psychology NYU Middle Tennessee State IUPUI Florida Tech We hope this list will be useful as you search for the best psychology master's program for you! What’s Next? Are you planning to take the AP Psych exam?Get tips and review what you need to knowwith our ultimate AP Psych study guide. For study materials, check out our picks for thebest AP Psych prep books and get access to free official and unofficial practice tests. Not sureifa master's degree is the right move for you?Then take a look at our in-depth guide on what grad school is and how to determine whether you should go.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tapping into Local Businesses for Writing Work

Tapping into Local Businesses for Writing Work Heres an optimistic thought: writing is a necessary part of every business. You read that right. Every business – big and small – has the need for written language. More good news: most businesses dont have a full-time or even part-time writer on staff. Hint: heres where you come in. Local businesses need your skills. They just dont know it yet. Its up to you to tell them. Identifying potential clients First you have to find them. Take a walk or a drive and make a note of locally-owned businesses in your town and the writing needs they might have. Browse the Yellow Pages online at Identify potential clients Compiling your information Once youve identified potential businesses, its time to give them something – for free. Im not advocating you work for free. Instead, put together a brochure or letter that includes helpful writing-related information: how email newsletters benefit businesses, ways to generate social media content or writing for your target audience. Then remind them of your skills and availability. Use a bulleted list to show the plethora of writing tasks you can take off their shoulders. Be sure to include website, social media and blog entries along with brochures, letters, press releases, newsletters, ad copy, etc. Include contact options – email, website, social media and phone number. Make communicating with you convenient for them. End your piece with a thank you. Its just courteous and polite. Method of contact You can reach out in a number of ways, depending on the business. Start Social media is another way to keep in touch with potential clients. Ditto that for your website. I also suggest utilizing the old-fashioned way: snail mail. This isnt a mass mailing. You want to choose a dozen, perhaps two dozen businesses to target. Snail mail provides prospective clients with something physical to hold – and hopefully keep – until they have the need to contact you. Wait about three months and follow-up with a similar message. Repeat after another three months. Think quarterly contact. You want to establish yourself as a consistent presence, but not a nuisance. Potential clients arent going to need your services immediately, but they will eventually. When they do, whom will they think of? The nice writer whos been sending free and helpful information. Free press Consider doing pro bono work for a charitable organization that can give you free press. I do this for a local foundation that has a quarterly newsletter where my logo is printed in every issue. Ive been utilizing this technique for years and have worked on a variety of jobs for a variety of businesses: Coffee shop – menu writing Insurance company – quarterly newsletter Locally-owned bank – ad copy School district – referendum campaign Gift shop  ­Ã¢â‚¬â€œ catalog descriptions Medical clinic – ghostwriting a monthly medical column Library – website copy Grocery store – social media presence Home builder – sales brochures Not-for-profit organization – annual report Local charity – letter to potential donors Bed and breakfast – radio ads Mayoral candidate – door hangers and press releases Legal firm – blog posts And the list goes on. These were all paying gigs. Ive found once a business is aware of your skills and the convenience you provide theyre likely to hire you again for future jobs. Theres another optimistic thought.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Williams Syndrome in Psychology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Williams Syndrome in Psychology - Research Paper Example Yet, another similar condition can be compared with Down Syndrome, the Williams Syndrome--also known as William-Beuren Syndrome. Rare in characteristic, this type of syndrome was first recognized in the early 1960’s, where four young samples had been identified with such conditions, as all had presented â€Å"supravalvar aortic stenosis...mental retardation† and similar facial features. By such discovery, the said disorder had been named in honor of one of its founder, Dr. Williams--a cardiologist (Bellugi, Wang, & Jernigan, 1994, p. 3). Other than these initial diagnostic parameters, Williams syndrome is also characterized by hypercalcemia of unknown origin, accompanied by distinct cognitive and behavioral profile (Khan, Calureriu, Huang, & Robin, 2011). At this point, such concepts seemed to be more focused on the pathophysiological context of the said condition, disregarding the psychological elements of William syndrome. In appeal, this group is said to be hypersoci able, where they are into over-friendliness, as they appear to lack the adaptive behavior of covertly following the unwritten social rules common in most societal structures (Udwin, Davies, Howlin, & Stinton, 2007). With such social trait, one can assume that the interpersonal skills generated by individuals with William syndrome are adequate for daily public associations, yet, a number of literatures presented otherwise. The overtly sociable attitude by groups with William Syndrome may be acceptable in society, but their psychological status may not be as stable as most believed. This paper seeks to establish the paradoxical traits that individuals with Williams Syndrome seemed to have; present common psychological features and find patterns among such psychological manifestations. Biological Origins and Clinical Features The etiologic origins and pathological process seemed to be pointed back to genetic deficits. Generally thought of as a neurodevelopmental condition, most experts identified the â€Å"deletion of ~25–30 genes...(which span) about 1.5 megabases in the q11.23 region of chromosome 7† as the exact cause of the William Syndrome (Deutsch, Rosse, & Schartz, 2007, p. 903). Genetic in function, such dysfunction in the genetic level can significantly cause a series of physiological changes upon human anatomic development, especially in organ tissues of the heart. As this is genetic in origin, the defective genetic material is said to have a hereditary feature, where there can be a 50% chance that individuals might pass this DNA product to the next generation. Although random in pattern, studies showed that 1 infant in every 80,000 births can have this syndrome--a highly rare occurrence (â€Å"William Syndrome,† 2011). Like most genetic disorders, people with such condition can easily be distinguished due to their common appearance, where their faces may have an elfin quality, with prominent forehead and eyes, ample cheeks, expansi ve mouth, small nose, and broad earlobes (Semel & Rosner, 2003). In line with this, overall presentation of the condition can be divided into four sections: â€Å"cognitive development, language, auditory function, and visuospatial function† (Khan, Calureriu, Huang, & Robin, 2011). In context, cognition and language functions are quite delayed for their age, with highly sensitive hearing capabilities to auditory stimuli, and a disassociation between what is seen and its normative interpretations. As such, environmental adaptation of these groups is delayed, compared to their normal counterparts. Aside from these clinical symptoms, those with William Syndrome are also plagued with a number of medical disorders, which may range from clinically serious cardiac

Friday, October 18, 2019

Zip Codes Comparison 10465 to 10019 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Zip Codes Comparison 10465 to 10019 - Essay Example The essay "Zip Codes Comparison 10465 to 10019" analyzes the difference in cost of living in New York (zip 10019) and Bronx (zip 10465). New York has a population of about 40,793 people, which is a 9% population change compared to the last statistics since 2009. The Bronx, a county in New York, Northern New Jersey – Long Island Metro Area, with a population of 42,245 people and a 0% population change. NewYork’s cost of living is generally higher than the United States average, with the price tag and charge of the source of revenue being at a percentage of 150%, compared to Bronx cost of living, which is about 50%. In the Bronx, public schools spend an average of $0 per head or student. In the United States, the average school expenditure is about $5,691. The average number of students per teacher in the Bronx is 11.9. This is still the same case in New York, the only difference being that the average students per teacher here is 14.3. In the New York, the unemployment rate is at a percentage of 8.90%, giving a margin of 0.03% to the U.S since the average is 8.60%. The growth of jobs is significant, having an increase of 0.47%, which here all the statistics also match up with Bronx’s. In the Bronx, 69.19% of people are white, 10.77% black, 3.09% Asian, 0.64% native Americans, and 16.31% 'Other'.0.00% of the people in the Bronx are Hispanic. In New York, 69.44% of people are white, 5.57% black, 16.13% Asian, 0.31% native Americans, and 8.55% 'Other'.1.11% of the people in New York are Hispanic.

Literature Review- Law. topic- Is the UK Parliament still legally Assignment

Literature Review- Law. topic- Is the UK Parliament still legally sovereign today - Assignment Example British officials claim that the dominant characteristic of the political institutions in the United Kingdom is the sovereignty of the Parliament. The English Constitution has granted the Parliament with the right to formulate laws and ensure their enforcement. The legal sovereignty of the British Parliament is vested in the legislation which contrasts with the federal states where sovereignty is vested in the constitution. 2 The doctrine of British parliamentary sovereignty is portrayed as a myth by certain critics because of the fact that the myth is utilized as a cover to conceal the true nature of British constitutionalism. In reality, the â€Å"collaborative enterprise† engagement between parliament and the courts provides the proof for the division of sovereignty between the British courts and Parliament. Moreover, the foundation of the constitution is thought to be based upon a common law â€Å"principle of legality†. According to the â€Å"principle of legality † the ultimate authority to interpret and enforce lies not with the Parliament but with the British courts. Even today, the British constitution seems to be inexorably moving in a direction where it will not have any sovereignty in the near future. According to certain critics the existence of sovereignty of the British parliament is a dubious notion because it never existed and the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty is nothing more than an illusion. Whereas, some critics justify the existence of parliamentary sovereignty by stating that it is a deviation from the historically venerable constitutional tradition and has a limited existence. Such critics also claim that the vulnerable British constitution is in dire need of restoration which would inevitably provide the ultimate sovereignty that the parliament deserves. On the other hand, most critics today claim that recent developments reveal the fact that the once sovereign British parliament has lost its sovereignty with time. Some critics state that the British Parliament has enjoyed limited sovereignty throughout the history of the UK. They claim that the limited sovereignty is endangered and with time it is becoming increasingly difficult for the parliament to retain its sovereignty. 3 Is Parliamentary Sovereignty an Illusion? According to Philip Joseph the British parliament has never been sovereign and the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty is a direct result of â€Å"lazy thinking†. In describing the British Parliamentary sovereignty, Philip Joseph states, â€Å"sovereignty implies autocracy but legislative power has never been of this nature†4. The â€Å"perverse legal theory† of Parliamentary sovereignty is regarded by many as a skewed conception of legislative power. This skewed nature of the legislative power is a cover to disguise the non existence of a true constitutional balance between the political and judicial branches of the British government. However, Phili p’s claims and suggestion have no evidence. The opponents state that it is not true to consider that the parliamentary sovereignty has no existence and they claim that Joseph is unwilling to accept the fact that the power to invalidate the legislation currently lies with the courts. 5 Over the recent years, the sovereignty of the British Parliament has been regarded as out of date and in dire need to restoration. Most critics consider that the issue of the existence of parliamentary sovereignty has been reduced to being mentioned only in the inside pages of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Social Networking Sites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Networking Sites - Essay Example Some people disagree, arguing that individuals should not use social networking sites as a forum of airing their opinions as these sites are not safe and have landed people in legal and personal problems. While these arguments are valid, people’s convictions should not be suppressed as voicing them out has created awareness on political subjects, thus revolutionizing politics. Social networking sites have been criticized as being ineffective in conducting political change as political activists form or join like-minded groups. They do not foster any action. Critics have also added that people join advocacy groups in sites like Facebook and ignore every message these groups send to them (Delany). However, these like-minded groups have taken things a step further. Levi Russell, a communications director of the Tea Party Express, said, â€Å"Facebook allows us to promote and organize events in a whole new way [...] it is one of the most targeted and flexible tools we use. Our su pporters are able to really take ownership of events in their area by sharing, discussing and inviting their friends in a very visual and tangible format (Unze o3a).† Furthermore, through social networking sites, protests have been arranged that have led parliaments to be dissolved and dictatorial leaderships to step down. One of the cyber organizers of the recent Egyptian protest, Wael Ghonim, said, â€Å"I am talking on behalf of Egypt [...] this revolution started online [...] this revolution started on Facebook (Smith).† Wael Ghonim demonstrated how instrumental social networking sites are in transforming politics. It has also been claimed that the state has a powerful means of monitoring or interdicting the tools on social networking sites, rendering them inactive as a tool of change in the political scenery and as such strengthening authoritarian regimes. These authoritarian regimes, apart from scrutinizing social networking sites, have also had them shut down (Sh irky 28-41). Notwithstanding, this does not stop individuals from stating their opinions about pertinent issues with their leadership. In fact, by the government shutting down these websites, the end effect achieved is that everyone is alerted to what is going on in the state, causing the news to spread faster. Also, internet shutdown allows people to be creative and use social networking sites to send coded messages, therefore still creating political awareness and enforcing political change in the long run (Feith 5). Furthermore, social networking sites like Twitter have an open API that allows other web service providers to insert a stream of tweets. This makes Twitter versatile even when there is an internet shutdown. For example, in Iran after the government shut down all internet sources people were still able to access Twitter. One tweet read â€Å"all internet & mobile networks are cut. We ask everyone in Tehran to go onto their rooftops and shout alaho akbar in protest #Ir an Election (Suvillan).† This characteristic of Twitter has ensured continued expression of political opinions. Many have argued that social networking sites have led to individuals being maimed, killed or even imprisoned by dictatorial governments for expressing their opinion (Leynne). However, without sacrificial lambs that are willing to voice their opinions, politics would be nonexistent. In fact, states that embrace freedom of speech were first formed by people speaking out. The opposition also argues that social networking sites have led people to be sued by posting defamatory and indecent messages on their status updates. Therefore, these social

HCM621-0804A-01 Ethics, Policy, and Law in Health Care Management - Essay - 2

HCM621-0804A-01 Ethics, Policy, and Law in Health Care Management - Phase 1 Discussion Board 2 - Essay Example JCAHO is an independent, nonprofit organization and they carry out quality assessments at 5,000 US hospitals and 6,000 US health care facilities every three years. (, 2008) It would be in the invested owner’s best interest to attain accreditation regardless because any reimbursement from government entities such as Medicare or Medicaid will still require regulation of care. It also gives a certain feeling of trust to know that the hospital has passed stringent rules on healthcare. The for-profit corporation is liable for any fiscal or legal issues, and not an individual. As a for-profit organization, the hospitals best interests are usually managed by board of directors and act in the interest of shareholders (if stocks are issued) or the invested owners. A big advantage of for-profit health care is their ability to respond to the demands of patients and employers. â€Å"†¦a large, nonprofit, staff-model health plan grew rapidly in southern California in the late 1960s and early 1970s as a result of affordable prices, its leaders froze enrollment for several years because of limited capacity. A competitively driven, for-profit, publicly traded organization would have found new capital and expanded its capacity to meet the needs of consumers.† (Hasan, 1996). Taking care of patients in private practice without the risk of influence from a government entity allows doctors and hospital partners design and manage the best quality delivery system they can assemble. Interestingly enough a for-profit hospital can receive Medicare subsidies (with proper accreditation), increasing their ability to profit. But the disadvantage to the for-profit is deeper scrutiny from the public and media for corporate financial scandals. Another disadvantage is that to retain quality medical care (i.e. trained doctors) the total costs are higher. (Woolhandler,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Social Networking Sites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Networking Sites - Essay Example Some people disagree, arguing that individuals should not use social networking sites as a forum of airing their opinions as these sites are not safe and have landed people in legal and personal problems. While these arguments are valid, people’s convictions should not be suppressed as voicing them out has created awareness on political subjects, thus revolutionizing politics. Social networking sites have been criticized as being ineffective in conducting political change as political activists form or join like-minded groups. They do not foster any action. Critics have also added that people join advocacy groups in sites like Facebook and ignore every message these groups send to them (Delany). However, these like-minded groups have taken things a step further. Levi Russell, a communications director of the Tea Party Express, said, â€Å"Facebook allows us to promote and organize events in a whole new way [...] it is one of the most targeted and flexible tools we use. Our su pporters are able to really take ownership of events in their area by sharing, discussing and inviting their friends in a very visual and tangible format (Unze o3a).† Furthermore, through social networking sites, protests have been arranged that have led parliaments to be dissolved and dictatorial leaderships to step down. One of the cyber organizers of the recent Egyptian protest, Wael Ghonim, said, â€Å"I am talking on behalf of Egypt [...] this revolution started online [...] this revolution started on Facebook (Smith).† Wael Ghonim demonstrated how instrumental social networking sites are in transforming politics. It has also been claimed that the state has a powerful means of monitoring or interdicting the tools on social networking sites, rendering them inactive as a tool of change in the political scenery and as such strengthening authoritarian regimes. These authoritarian regimes, apart from scrutinizing social networking sites, have also had them shut down (Sh irky 28-41). Notwithstanding, this does not stop individuals from stating their opinions about pertinent issues with their leadership. In fact, by the government shutting down these websites, the end effect achieved is that everyone is alerted to what is going on in the state, causing the news to spread faster. Also, internet shutdown allows people to be creative and use social networking sites to send coded messages, therefore still creating political awareness and enforcing political change in the long run (Feith 5). Furthermore, social networking sites like Twitter have an open API that allows other web service providers to insert a stream of tweets. This makes Twitter versatile even when there is an internet shutdown. For example, in Iran after the government shut down all internet sources people were still able to access Twitter. One tweet read â€Å"all internet & mobile networks are cut. We ask everyone in Tehran to go onto their rooftops and shout alaho akbar in protest #Ir an Election (Suvillan).† This characteristic of Twitter has ensured continued expression of political opinions. Many have argued that social networking sites have led to individuals being maimed, killed or even imprisoned by dictatorial governments for expressing their opinion (Leynne). However, without sacrificial lambs that are willing to voice their opinions, politics would be nonexistent. In fact, states that embrace freedom of speech were first formed by people speaking out. The opposition also argues that social networking sites have led people to be sued by posting defamatory and indecent messages on their status updates. Therefore, these social

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rapid Freight Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rapid Freight Analysis - Case Study Example One of the most critical requirements for Rapid Freight is to provide additional bandwidth amongst its offices in the US and the chief data center. In order to fulfill this need, Rapid Freight needs to augment its Ethernet provisions to Gigabit Ethernet. This move is bound to improve the company’s Internet access speed significantly. This is because Gigabit Ethernet grants greater bandwidth for enhanced performance and practically eliminates the event of bottlenecks. In addition, the Ethernet provides full-duplex capabilities, which essentially magnify the efficacy of the bandwidth (Jain, Bakker & Anjum, 2004). With regard to cost-benefit analysis, the acquisition of the Gigabit Ethernet entails low cost, as well as low ownership costs since the bandwidth will have the capacity to transmit massive quantities of data over a single network quite quickly. Gigabit performance facilitates ample file sharing capacities over high bandwidths. This ultimately increases employee product ivity by enhancing access speed to databases, as well as messaging applications, which are all attuned to the existing network. This will reduce expenses such as those incurred in running new wiring, control standards of networking to attain tremendously effective networks and add network management to cope with environments having enormous network comprehensively. In addition, Rapid Freight has a significant requirement to guarantee that the numerous Rapid Freight locations within large metropolitan cities coordinate amongst themselves. In order to achieve this requirement, Rapid Freight should put into operation technologies that provide high speed internet between offices within a single metropolitan location. For instance, the established of WIMAX 802.16a technology is a vital move in the correct direction given that it provides an avenue for the transmission of data up to 70Mbps over a 30 miles radius (Jain, Bakker & Anjum, 2004). The technology is a standard 2-11 GHz wireless metropolitan area network technology that is bound to endow broadband wireless connectivity to nomadic and fixed devices. More to the point, while the 802.16a is the perfect solution for metropolitan area networks, WIMAX allows users to obtain broadband connectivity without necessarily being in direct line of sight with the central station. In addition, the technology provides complete data rates reaching 280Mps for every base station. This is essentially sufficient bandwidth to take care of the needs of hundred of business having either T1 or E1 connectivity, as well as thousands of households having DSL connectivity models from one base station. With regard to connecting cities such as Baltimore, Chicago and Los Angeles, the company can establish a satellite microwave connection. This is the best option since such technologies allow for easy connection over vast distances that separate the cities. Normally such distance causes inefficiency to position ground cables to connect the metro regions. Satellite microwave technology is highly beneficial compared to its costs since the signals travel from the ground station based on earth to a satellite then revert to another ground station, thereby covering enormous distances (Jain, Bakker & Anjum, 2004). Another requirement is the need to establish a secure and highly reliable network to contain its planned development, as well as the unpredicted events. This

How advertisement effects peoples lives Essay Example for Free

How advertisement effects peoples lives Essay As Americans we are exposed to advertisements everyday. People are pressured from every direction by advertisements which exploit their deepest fears, attractions, needs, and desires, shaping their behaviors, goals, and thoughts. They are led into believing false information and promises that are mostly never kept, all for the simple reason of selling the product and making profit. We see advertisements everywherein magazines and newspapers, on the radio, on TV, online, in the mail, even over the phone. These advertisements use the basic ideas of either providing an elite status with the possession of the product, or giving a sense of belonging to a group or community. Since the recent military activity in Iraq and Afghanistan, another ever present idea has been made prominent and that is using patriotism to evoke peoples desires. Americans are persuaded into buying unnecessary items everyday; however, we need to realize that no matter what advertisements say we should purchase items for their usefulness, not to fill voids in our lives, so we can help eliminate the problem we face today of being a materialistic society. The patriotic theme affecting peoples hearts, minds and senses, is commonly used to manipulate them into buying things. Since everyone has love for their country, using it to sell products is a brilliant idea, but I believe this is a bad practice. It makes people believe they are not ideal Americans, nor are they similar to the people around them if they do not buy that product. The Palmolive advertisement, in Seeing and Writing 2, is a key example, it appeals to the wives of the men at war in World War II (417). On the top of this advertisement there are three medals which contain picture of three different men in their uniforms and the words For Him appear next to each picture. In the lower part of the advertisement there is a woman looking up at these medals and above her head are the words, I pledge myself to guard every bit of Beauty that he cherishes in me, and finally in the background there are several faces of women also looking towards the medals. This advertisement is basically communicating to the wives the idea of guarding their beauty, by using this soap, just like their husbands are guarding their country. The ironic fact is that soap cannot make someone beautiful, nor do people lose their beauty if they do not use the correct brand of soap. This advertisement is connecting a heroic and patriotic act  to one used for mere beauty, in order to sell the soap. The Palmolive advertisement was run in 1943, but a more current advertisement which uses similar attributes is Chevrolet and its slogan for its recent line of cars, An American Revolution. This slogan is always placed on a blue sky background and the writing is in bold white letters, except for the E in Revolution, this letter is written in red ink. So when you come across this slogan, not only does the slogan sound patriotic to you, it also appears to be patriotic because it incorporates the red, the white and the blue. This phrase says to its audience that every American is buying and driving a Chevy car and so should they. Another detail that could be interpreted out of this advertisement is that since the U.S. is currently at war and fighting a revolution against terrorism, a person living in the U.S. can participate in this patriotic revolution by purchasing a Chevrolet. This would be true only if Chevrolet was funding the war, instead of the US government. Along with this, another advertisement that exploits this concept was the Netzero advertisement run during the time before the elections. In this advertisement the spokesman was running for President under the alias of Candidate Zero. His main goal was to provide cheaper and faster internet to every family and household. In order to get peoples attention, this clever idea was used, and it certainly worked on people like me. Viewers could also connect the advertisement with the actual presidential race and that way the product of the advertisement was stuck in their conscious awareness. The whole patriotic theme is strange because the connection between patriotism and the product does not make the product function better, so why do we feel obligated to pay attention to the advertisement and even purchase that product. Along with patriotism another concept used widely is the elitism the product brings to people with its possession. As Jack Solomon wrote in his essay Masters of Desire, We Americans dream of rising about the crowd, of attaining a social summit beyond the reach of ordinary citizens (1). He is basically saying that Americans want to be better then the people around  them and this belief is what marketers feast on, creating status symbols like Rolex, Mercedes, BMW, etc. One advertisement that crosses my mind in terms of using elitism would be the new U2 iPod Special Edition advertisement. This promotes an iPod with a black cover and laser engraved signatures of the U2 band members; everything else is similar to a regular iPod; whereas, the price is $50 more. People are led into believing that the U2 iPod is better than the regular one only because it is endorsed by U2. Another ironic detail is that a normal iPod itself is a product of elitism, because even though it has similar functions to a Sony or any other MP3 player, it costs $100 more only because it comes with the signature white headphones. These headphones, unique only because an iPod come equipped with them, have made themselves and the iPod a status symbol. Most people only buy an iPod because they want the headphones to show the illusion of superiority and uniqueness. Solomon says, The explanation is quite simple: when an object (or puppy!) either costs a lot of money or requires influential connections to possess, anyone who possesses it must also possess the necessary means of influence to acquire it (3). This explains why the white headphones have made the iPod a status symbol, since its shows possession of an expensive item, even though rationally speaking the color of the headphones does not make the iPod function better, they only make it different. Solomon also talks about another part of the American Dream, in which belonging to a group is important. The Chevrolet slogan connects us to the entire American population; the iPod connects us to other owners of an iPod, and so on. We need a sense of connection and belonging, fulfilling our need for attention and affection. Abraham Maslow, a founder of humanistic psychology, created a triangle in which he placed a persons needs in the order they needed to be fulfilled and the need for love and belonging was the third basic need. Disillusioned by the advertisements, people try to fulfill this need by buying the products. This proves that using this theme advertisers are able to affect the person on much deeper levels then recognizable, yet by no means does the product itself become more useful. It is understandable that advertisers need to appeal to people in order to  sell their product and that is why they use these tactics, but what is not understandable is while knowing the truth people believe the hoaxes and let advertisements dictate what they are going to buy. People need to realize that products should not be used to fulfill our weaknesses; they should be consumed based on our needs, because companies will keep manufacturing status symbols until we accept that products and items are only materialistic and we can never attain all the luxury items around us. We are scammed into buying false promises everyday, after we realize that we have a choice against it, we can choose not to let advertisements or minor details about the product like the endorsements, or the color of headphones, or the catchy slogan persuade us into buying a certain item.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Graduate Employment Opportunities in China

Graduate Employment Opportunities in China The purpose of this paper is to the moving from education into the China employment market. The objectives to write this essay is desire know the graduate market in China accurately and try to understand the actual situation. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduction to the marketplace for graduate employment opportunities in China. What do employers look for is the essay going to describe secondly. Thirdly, a general comment on the intended career path and target position after graduation. In addition, the writer will through the conclusion to state briefly what skills are vital to cope with target position after graduation. (Done, J. Mulver, R, 2011) stated the term labour market is used to describe the interactions between employers who need workers and employers. labour market is both complex and dynamic, that there have two fundamental forces driving the labour market, which are demand and supply. So the relationship between supply and demand is critical. In the graduate labour market, the people who are seeking a job is the supply, and the employer offering the job is the demand. The supply have to make they known in the marketplace, and the demand have to let people know they have a job and they want to fill. This essay will focus in the manufacturing industry which is essential industry in China. The Marketplace For Graduate Employment Opportunities At Home Country Under the comprehensive influence of economy, politics and society, the employment of graduate is confronted with a fierce situation in China. In the meanwhile, it also presents both unprecedented opportunities and challenges for current graduate employment. In the past thirty years, Chinas economy has grown at an average of approximately 10% a year, and become the worlds second largest economy now. Chinas markets have opened to the whole world and the trade has increased remarkably. And China is the largest global producer of washing machines, cameras and computers (among hundreds of other products), its manufacturing capability is very eminence. In order to face foreign and domestic huge market, many companies are constantly expanding staff recruitment. Chinas human market network stated that the percentage of the bachelor of business administration employed in manufacturing sector was 58.8% in 2010. The business administration possess wide range of knowledge, including planning, organization, direction, control and organize the relevant business operations and behavioral decision. As a result, the ratio was higher than other major in manufacturing. In addition, (Done, J. and Mulvey, R. 2011) stated the graduates have more workforce and seem to be bring innovation and creativity to the company. This is the reason why many companies like to hire the student who just finished university. The marketplace for graduate employment opportunities in China is massive. Considering that is labor demand in Chinas manufacturing industry is large. The Ministry of Social Security and Human Resources described employment as stable and normal with a record about 6.94 million jobs created in the 2012 first half. On the other hand, The challenge for graduates is still exist. The speed of society development is slower than the speed of the increase of graduated students; as a result, some graduates cannot find positions in the job market . At the same time, expectations of college students in getting good jobs in big cities causes the drastic competition in the metropolis job markets. On the contrary, in the vast countryside and small or medium cities, there are still many vacant positions that students dont want to accept. Example like GuangZhou, it is a big city in Guangdong province in China. But the graduate employment opportunities is seldom in this city, because the manufacturin g industry is not important in GuangZhou and a large number of the graduate are looking for a job here, this is a competitive job market. But the cities beside the GuangZhou, like DongGuan, HuiZhou, three of them are Medium-sized city. There are so many employment opportunities over there. The first reason is the medium-sized city always pay attention to manufacturing industry, the secondly is most graduates dont want to accept work in the medium-sized or small city, there are still many vacant positions. A lot of the graduates tend to overestimate themselves and their expectations to the future jobs are too high. Almost all of them have a high requirement of their salaries and working conditions, they would rather stay in big cities waiting for job opportunities than go back to their hometowns and find other jobs. This is the important reason why marketplace for graduate employment opportunities in China is massive, but many of graduates cannot find suitable job in big city. In this section, combined with the date form government department, journal, and the industry news, the graduate student employment opportunity of manufacturing industry in China is very well in small or medium city. Small and medium city hope the graduates work there. There are many graduate jobs available in manufacturing industry and the labor demand in China is large. In the big city, the students can not be optimistic about employment prospects, the labour market competition is intense and almost full. Since everyones power is limited, we cannot change the social environment within a short period. However, we can adapt ourselves to this society. Above all, we should change our obsolete employment concepts and adjust the psychology in employment in order to set up a proper conception of job-selecting views. Try to adjust the employment exception according to own ability. Do not think too much expectation on the salary and working conditions when we seek for jobs we have never don e before. Hold a right attitude towards jobs and set job expectation at a suitable level is the key to the solution and remission of the difficulty in employment. Besides, the graduates should strengthen the sense of competition, never complain about the society. To sum up, we have to learn how to assuage and solve the employment problem by ourselves, what we should do is to take it rationally and combine our own situations with facts. What skills and competencies are graduate employers looking for? All graduates need good employability skill. When the graduate is taking job interview, the employers will pay much attention about the employability skills. So, which skill is most important in employability skills? Following that, the table shows the 24 skills which were most deemed important based on survey by employers. Where 1 is the least important and 5 is the most important. Table 1: Table showing importance (least important to most important) of graduate skills (J.M. Norusis,2004) Form this table, the most important seem to be teamwork, the following is motivation, learning attitude, independent work, communication skill, inter personal skill, flexibility etc. After that, the academic learning is the least important in 24 skills. In the labour market, a lot of competitors have the same degree as you or higher than your degree. Therefore, the graduates have good employability skill is a major key to get the job. As a student, In addition to get the graduate certificate, still have to import the employability skill. This will be measured and tested throughout the recruitment and selection process. What Do Employers Look For? In the manufacturing industry, the employers are looking for graduates who are enthusiasm, positive mental attitude, efficient, detail oriented, honesty, listening and Prioritize. Also, graduates who have good teamwork, motivation,learning attitude, independent work, communication skill, inter personal skill. The prioritize and skill of communication are most important in manufacturing industry, by reason of there are one important step in factory when it is manufacturing products. The step is assign work mission. Excellent assign work mission can help the factory improve work efficiency to make best profit. As the result, the prioritize main is good at assign work mission, and the communication skill can help others understand what you talking about and listening to your order. Nowadays, all the companies are using the computer to do the work, so, the internet technology is become more and more important. The graduates should have basic knowledge about the computer. Next, most employers also look for at least a 2:1 in a degree, international experience and foreign language skill. Chinas markets have opened to the whole world, employer intend to staff has international experience and one or two foreign language skill to help the company into foreign markets. Intended Career Path My intense interest now is international business management ,a subject that combines global issue, international trade, business management and social value. It provides me with a good opportunity to express my idea, display my management ability. And at the same time I obtain from it the pleasure of study and immense satisfaction. I hope I will become a prominent businessman in this field someday. My intended career path has three stages short, medium and long term. They are showing for less than 3 years, 4 to 7 years and over 8 years respectively. The following is my years of occupation planning: Short term, less than 3 years: A student do not has any experience about the job when the student just finished university. Therefore, the first year should be during the internship in manufacturing industry based on knowledge, learn to find and solve problems, to consolidate the management knowledge, improve the operation level. For the future work to lay a good foundation. To start the plan, I will looking for the small or medium company. The reason is first these companies scale are not big, every department is close the ranks. I can learn the knowledge and experience form different department. Secondly, I can easy to get the opportunity for advancement. In the big company, the competition is very intense, learning and advancement are difficulty. But, when I already have jobs, I have to understand salary expectations before graduation are generally lower than the real payment. I hope after two years, I can understand the manufacturing industry market, supply chain, and get much experience of management. This is the objective of short term plan. Medium term, 4 to 7 years: In the medium term plan, to find a suitable development of the company, set the mentality is my objective. In this 4 to 7 years, I have to hard work, strive for the leader s position. When you become a leader, you can use own opinion, ways to do something. And you have chance to show the brilliance. Last, you can promote your leadership, communication skill, problem solving, and teamwork. On the other hand, I have to establish a good communication with the guests for make a networking for future development. A strong networking is very helpful for my future life. The result from my Numerical Reasoning Skills Feedback Report, the score was at the 81st percentile. This means my scored better than 81 per cent of the comparison group. As the result, the report state I have high ability of basic arithmetic, quickly extracting valuable information from a lot of complicated information, and economic common sense. That is very useful to strive for the leaders position. Long term, over 8 years: Try to be the manger in big company. I am pursuing a management position with sales manager in Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited in HongKong . The requirements for my target position are a minimum of degree in Business Administration, Sales and management experience, good understanding of PRC property market, excellent leadership and presentation skills with result-oriented approach, good command of written and spoken English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Sales management is to realize all kinds of organizational objectives, create, establish and maintain the good between target market exchange and contact and design analysis, planning, implementation and control. Through the planning, implementation and control enterprise sales activities to achieve the enterprises sales target. This job is looking for who have sales experience, problem-solving, communication skills, leadership, presentation skills and knowledge of market management. The reason to select that job because the first I want to work in big city in Asia, HongKong is one of the fastest growing economy city in Asia. The second is my knowledge of business management is suitable for this job. The other reason is I was working in Kaisa Group ( See Appendix ) before, I learn the management, marketing, and people-oriented skill in my work experience. I believe these experience is suitable for sale management. In my long term plan, after 8 years, I believe I will have much experience of sales management and market management, many skills have improved and I have degree in business administration, also I can written and spoken English, the Cantonese and Mandarin are my mother language. So, I think I could be get this job. I determined to achieve my goal. The result of the Prospects Planner What job would suit me? shows the list of matched occupations: 1. Environmental consultant (89%) 2. Equality and diversity officer (88%) 3. Investment analyst (87%) 4. Charity fundraiser (87%) 5. Management consultant (87%). Five of these occupations are different types and following my skills, motivations, desires. From this result, I think the Environmental consultant, Equality and diversity officer, Investment analyst and Management consultant are right for me according my hobby or skills. First, the environmental consultant and investment analyst,can give me much personal autonomy and high profit, but it is not following my knowledge of my degree course. After that, the equality and diversity officer, management consultant are according my degree choice.The important condition of these two occupations is problem solving. I believe I am good at these occupations cause I was study in two different countries to learned many skills. One is Singapore and the other is China. In this two different countries, I had join many school group work, and I was working in a big company about three months in China. (see Appendix 18) I have a lot of opportunity to learn how to solving problem. Also my intense interest now is business management. The result form my Abstract Reasoning Skills Feedback Report, my score was at the 65th percentile. The report is testing the ability of the new idea and problem-solving. And my point is better than 65 per cent of the comparison group. The full mark is 100 per cent of the comparison group. From this result, that can be prove my ability of the new idea and problem-solving in medium level. I should be improve my skill in future, make it in the high level. Conclusion In conclusion, the employment opportunities sound positive in China. The labour market in big city intense and almost full, but the small and medium city still many vacant positions. The graduates have to change their employment concepts. They can not tend to overestimate themselves and their expectations to the future jobs are too high. Graduates should understand their salary is not high when they just finished university to start a job. But the first or second year in your job is a good opportunity to improve the skills and get experience. As we know, the Teamwork, motivation, and learning attitude were most deemed important based on survey by employers. The graduates have to remember improve their skills everyday. Good skills is a good key to get the job in a fiercely competitive occupation labour market. About the career path, the right career choice or not, is directly related to their career success or failure. To begin choice our career, at least should consider the following points: personality and career matching, interest in the match and vocational, career matching expertise, internal and external environment and adapt to occupational. Set career goals, is the core of career planning. The cause of the success or failure of a person, to a large extent depend on the availability of appropriate target correctly. No goal, as the boat into the sea, vast surrounding, there is no direction, I do not know their own going. Goal setting, following a career in the choice of route choice career after aim in life to make choices. Next step From the result, I understand I have to improve my teamwork skill now. Before that, I like to work alone, but I know the teamwork is more important than work alone now. From the table, we know the most important is teamwork. The employer always looking for who have good teamwork skill. If I do not improve this skill, I will be lost many opportunity. To improve my teamwork skill. I should join more group activity, communicate with others and try to give more opinions to the team. On the other hand, I will continue to find the internship in my summer holiday. I have send letter to Kaisa Group Real Large Estate Company, I hope I can work in this company in summer holiday again. Because the internship is looking for student to do a sales management, that is very precious experience for me, cause that my target position is sales management.In the future, I hope I will become a prominent businessman in this field someday.